Interrogator Installation on
Unix/X11 Machines

System Requirements

Linux: requires Linux 2.4 kernel or later, with libc 6 (glibc 2), specifically
Linux 2.4 has been extensively tested; 2.6 has also but not as deeply.
Earlier versions are possible if you can get your symlinks to libraries set just right.
Application uses about 5MB of disk space as of this writing.

Solaris: requires Solaris 8 or Solaris 9.
Solaris 8 has been extensively tested; 9 has not.
Sparc and x86 are both supported, although sparc is better supported.
Application uses about 6MB of disk space as of this writing.


1) download the file (here). It should look something like this (with different numbers):

denise> cd 
denise> ls -l 
-rw-rw-rw-   denise   2012524 Aug 30 14:33

2) unzip to produce tint program

denise> unzip tint 
inflating: tint 
denise> ls -l 
-rw-rw-rw-   denise   2012524 Aug 30 14:33
-rwxrwxrwx   denise   4179629 Aug 31 14:44 tint

3) run the program

denise> ./tint

If you don't have unzip

If you don't have unzip, try gunzip instead:

denise> gunzip tint  
denise> chmod +x tint  
denise> ls -l 
-rw-rw-rw-   denise   2012524 Aug 30 14:33
-rwxrwxrwx   denise   4179629 Aug 31 14:44 tint

Permanent Installation

You can put tint anywhere you want that is on your $PATH. For your own personal use, ~/bin is a good choice. If you have the root password, you can move tint into /usr/local/bin for everybody on the system to use.


There are only two things to remove: the tint program itself (wherever you put it), and the directory .tint in your home directory. That directory is created the first time you run the program.

Mac Installation
